Products & Services

Consulting and Project Management

We have developed a ‘Delivery Oriented’ approach to consulting, project management and agile software development. This approach creates empowered and efficient delivery teams that are self-motivated to meet aggressive targets, and that work well with your business stakeholders and clients.

Application Development

Leverage our strong history of designing, building, operating and maintaining user-friendly web and mobile solutions for governments and enterprise. Our mature development practices and enterprise-grade technologies deliver unmatched performance and robustness.

Data Migration and Transformations

The systems we build and maintain contain vast volumes of data that is both sensitive and has significant financial value. Our experience and track record of handling data migration from varied systems is envied by many competitors in the market.


Our approach to developing highly complex systems crucially involves the integration of disparate systems and includes the necessary change management experience required.

Automated Testing

We have been implementing robust and maintainable Selenium-based automated solutions for many years. Automated testing ensures high quality products with reduced manual testing and maintenance costs. Our experts will improve your testing approach and deliver a measurable ROI.

Accessible Web Solutions

Maximise audience engagement and avoid litigation by making your web applications accessible and compliant with WCAG 2.0 (AA). We share our extensive experience in Accessibility Compliance by providing testing services and remedial advice.